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No Training or matches on Sefton Council Pitches 6th or 7th Jan

No Training or matches on Sefton Council Pitches 6th or 7th Jan

Colin Hamilton5 Jan - 22:37
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Pitches Closed this weekend

Recent Weather results in pitches being closed this weekend 6th & 7th January 2024.
Sefton Council has closed all it's grass pitches this weekend this includes Deansgate Lane, Smithy Green, Duke Street & Buckley Hill.
This means that the pitches aren't allowed to be used for matches or training.

This will impact on most grassrooots league games too, if unsure check with your managers (only games on 3G or private pitches will be able to go ahead)

Anyone booked on for sessions on Sat morning will receive refunds.

Further reading