Safeguarding information 1 of 2

1. FCFC Allegations vs. Volunteers

FCFC Allegations vs. Volunteers v2023/24
Any allegation against a Formby Community FC (FCFC) volunteer should be reported immediately.
Key Contacts
FCFC Chair
Daniel Green
Welfare Officer
Charlie Hayward
Any allegation against a volunteer should be reported immediately.
If the allegation is vs. FCFC’s Chair and/or Welfare Officer, please contact FCFC’s Secretary and/or another member of the Committee. Otherwise, all allegations to the Chair or Welfare Officer.
The Procedure

When an allegation against a volunteer is received, we will take the matter seriously and keep an open mind.

Make a written record of the allegation using the words of the person who made the allegation (including time, date and location etc). This will be signed and dated.

Contact the Secretary and/or Committee member if the concerns are about the Chair and/or Welfare Officer.

If the concern is about Children & Young People (CYP) and/or Adult At Risk (AAR), their views and wishes (if known) will also be recorded.

If the concern is about Children & Young People (CYP) and/or Adult At Risk (AAR), we will not make any decision(s) without discussing the concern with Liverpool County FA’s Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO).

If the concern is about Children & Young People (CYP) and/or Adult At Risk (AAR), we reserve the right to share all recorded information with Liverpool County FA’s DSO.
Investigation & Outcome
FCFC, will take the appropriate disciplinary action where it is deemed necessary. This may include suspension from the club.
In the event that the concern relates to CYP and/or AAR, FCFC (with the support and guidance of Liverpool County FA) will carefully consider whether the circumstances warrant
FCFC Allegations vs. Volunteers v2023/24
a person being suspended from contact with CYP/AAR or whether alternative arrangements can be put in place.
Any outcome decided upon will be communicated with the individual concerned in a timely manner and any team(s)/club(s)/league(s) involved will also be informed as necessary.
In situations where the person is deemed to be an immediate risk to CYP/AAR or there is evidence of a criminal offence, or even if there is no such evidence, it may be necessary to involve law enforcement agencies.